How to Land Your First Freelance Writing Job As A Beginner

How to Land Your First Freelance Writing Job As A Beginner

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Are you looking to break into the world of freelance writing? Landing your first freelance writing job can be daunting, but fear not! 

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of finding, applying for, and securing your very first freelance writing gig. 

Whether you’re a complete beginner or have some writing experience under your belt, we’ve got the tips and tricks to help you succeed. So, grab a pen and paper (or open up a blank document) and let’s get started on your journey to becoming a freelance writer!

What does a freelance writer do?

As a freelance writer, I’m often asked what I actually do for a living. 

Simply put, freelance writing is when you write for clients on a per-project basis without being tied down to any one client. This means you have the freedom to choose the type of work you want to do and when you want to do it. 

I’ve been hired to write about everything, from dating workshops to financial services to Japanese toothbrushes and everything in between. 

However, the top-earning freelance writers are people who specialize in writing for a high-paying niche like cryptocurrency, real estate, e-commerce, digital marketing, or entrepreneurship, to name a few. 

Freelance writers can also specialize in the type of content they create. For example, some writers prefer to write in-depth articles, white paper reports, and technical articles. Other freelance copywriters would rather write product descriptions, sales pages, email marketing campaigns, or video scripts. 

Why freelance writing jobs are a great opportunity for beginners

As someone who started their writing career as a 21-year-old freelancer, I can confidently say that freelance writing jobs are an excellent opportunity for beginners. 

One thing I love about freelancing is that you can work from home and around your own schedule while gaining experience writing about different topics, products, and services. 

Also, freelance writing jobs come in all shapes and sizes, giving you a lot of chances to try out different kinds of writing and niches. Whether it’s blog posts, articles, or copywriting, there is always something new to learn and try.

In my experience, freelance writing has been a great way to break into the industry and establish myself as a writer. It’s given me the chance to work with different clients and find my own writing style that I enjoy. 

So if you’re a beginner looking to start your journey into the world of professional writing, I highly recommend considering freelance writing jobs. It may just be the perfect stepping stone towards a successful career in writing.

What are the best types of freelance writing jobs for beginners?

These are some of the best writing jobs for newbies because you can start right away with no previous experience, skills, or qualifications.


Blogging is an excellent opportunity for beginners, as it offers more flexibility in terms of topics and writing styles. There is a high demand for blog writers, and it’s a great way to build your portfolio. To get started with blogging, identify your niche, create a website or blog, and start writing regularly. You can also reach out to websites or businesses in your niche and offer your blogging services.


Copywriting involves writing content for advertisements, product descriptions, and promotional materials. It can be challenging, but it’s an excellent way for beginners to build their portfolio and earn a decent rate. To get started with copywriting, learn the basics of persuasive writing, understand your target audience, and create a portfolio that showcases your skills.

Social Media Writing

Social media is an important part of online marketing, and many companies need writers to come up with interesting things to post on social media. Social media writing is a great job for people who are just starting out because it lets them be creative and has flexible hours. To get started with social media writing, learn the basics of social media marketing, understand the different platforms, and create a portfolio that showcases your skills.

Content Writing

Content writing involves producing articles, web pages, and other written material for websites. This kind of writing can cover a wide range of topics and styles, and it can be a great way for new writers to build up their portfolios. To start writing content, you need to find your niche, learn the basics of SEO writing, and put together a portfolio that shows off your skills.

Getting started in freelance writing

Getting started in freelance writing can seem overwhelming, but it’s a rewarding journey. As someone who has been freelancing for several years, I know firsthand the struggles and joys of this career path.

The first step is to identify your niche or area of expertise. It’s essential to have a clear idea of what you want to write about and what type of clients you want to work with. According to Wave Accounting, some of the most popular writing niches include:

  • Finance
  • Cryptocurrency 
  • Real estate
  • Technical writing
  • Digital marketing
  • Education and e-learning
  • Alternative health and wellness

Once you’ve found your niche, you can start putting together your portfolio by writing samples that show off your skills and knowledge. Having a portfolio with niche-specific examples is crucial for landing freelance writing jobs. 

If you don’t have any clients yet, you can create samples by writing about brands, companies, or topics you enjoy. You could even offer to write for a friend or colleague for free in exchange for a sample and testimonial. 

Networking is also crucial when starting out as a freelancer. Join online writing communities, attend conferences, and reach out to potential clients. Don’t be afraid to pitch yourself and your services.

It’s important to set realistic expectations when starting out in freelance writing. You may not land high-paying gigs right away, but with hard work and persistence, you’ll build up your reputation and client base.

Freelance writing offers the flexibility to work from anywhere on your schedule while doing something you love. It takes time and effort to establish yourself as a successful freelancer, but the rewards are worth it. 

So if you’re passionate about writing and looking for a challenging yet fulfilling career path, give freelance writing a try.

In the world of freelance writing, the possibilities are endless—take the leap and see where your talent can take you! Now, let’s dive into assessing your skills and experience level.

Assessing my skills and experience level

When I first started out as a freelance writer, I had no idea where to begin. I knew that I loved writing, but I was unsure if I would be able to make a career out of it.

The first step I took was to honestly assess my skills and experience level. I looked at what types of writing I enjoyed doing and where my strengths were. From there, I researched different niches within the freelance writing world and found one that aligned with my interests.

Next, I analyzed my past writing experiences. Even though they weren’t all in the field of freelance writing, they still provided valuable skills that could be applied to this career path. For example, my experience in sales and marketing gave me a unique perspective on how to write copy that sells.

Assessing your skills and experience level is crucial when starting out as a freelancer. It helps you figure out your strengths and weaknesses and gives you a chance to set realistic goals for yourself. With hard work and dedication, anyone can become a successful freelance writer!

Building my freelance writing portfolio

When I first started my freelance writing journey, I knew that having a strong portfolio was crucial to landing clients. But as a beginner, I struggled with how to create one.

I reached out to other freelance copywriters inside an online community and offered to work for free. By offering to write for free, I was able to gain some initial experience and build up my portfolio. 

As I kept getting better at copywriting, I started to connect with other copywriters in my niche. Luckily, a high-level copywriter took a liking to me and sent me a few clients, which helped me create my first portfolio examples. 

Building a freelance writing portfolio takes time and effort, but it’s worth it in the end. A strong portfolio can help you stand out from other writers and land more clients.

Creating an online presence

Creating an online presence was one of the most important steps in my freelance writing journey. As a beginner, I didn’t have any connections or clients, so I knew that I needed to establish myself as an expert in my niche and make it easy for potential clients to find me.

I started by making a website where I could show off my work, describe my services, and give people ways to get in touch with me. To improve the search engine optimization (SEO) of my site, I made sure to use keywords that were related to my niche. 

Another important part of building an online presence was making connections with other writers and industry professionals. 

By joining copywriting groups on social media and attending live events, I was able to make connections with people who could help me grow my freelance writing business.

Overall, creating an online presence took time and effort, but it was worth it. It helped me establish myself as a professional copywriter and connect with clients who were looking for someone with my expertise.

Where To find freelance writing jobs

As a beginner freelance writer, finding jobs can be daunting. But there are several strategies that have worked for me.


Upwork is one of the most popular freelance job sites that offers a variety of writing jobs. To get started with Upwork, create a profile, list your skills and experience, and start applying for relevant jobs. Make sure your profile is well-written and showcases your skills and experience.


Freelancer is another popular freelance job site that offers a variety of writing jobs. To get started with Freelancer, create a profile, list your skills and experience, and start bidding on relevant projects. Make sure your profile is well-written and showcases your skills and experience.

ProBlogger Job Board

The ProBlogger Job Board is a job site dedicated to blogging jobs. It’s an excellent resource for bloggers looking for paid writing opportunities. To get started with ProBlogger Job Board, create a profile, browse the available jobs, and apply for relevant positions. Make sure your profile and application showcase your blogging skills and experience.


Contena is a job site that offers a curated list of high-paying writing jobs. It’s an excellent resource for beginners looking for well-paying jobs in their niche. To get started with Contena, make a profile, look at the jobs that are available, and apply for the ones that are right for you. Make sure your profile and application showcase your skills and experience in your niche.

Overall, using job search engines, freelance marketplaces, and job boards can help freelance writers find jobs, get more clients, and build their careers.

Applying for freelance writing jobs

For freelance writers, applying for jobs can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. Crafting the perfect pitch and wondering if anyone will give you a chance can be time-consuming and nerve-wracking. 

But after some practice and time, it comes down to showing off your skills and personality in your job applications. It’s important to make each application fit the job and client in question and show how you can help their project. Include writing samples that are relevant to the job, and a well-written cover letter can make all the difference. 

Maintaining responsiveness and professionalism in all communications with potential clients is also essential. It’s crucial to keep in mind that not every opportunity will be a perfect fit, and rejection is not a personal failure but part of the process.

In the end, applying for freelance writing jobs is all about putting yourself out there and showcasing what sets you apart from the rest. So go forth with confidence, and remember: every rejection brings you one step closer to your next success story.

Next up, let’s dive into the art of crafting a compelling pitch that will capture potential clients’ attention.

Crafting a Compelling Pitch

Any freelance writer who wants to get their next job needs to know how to write a good pitch. I remember spending a lot of time trying to come up with the perfect angle that would capture potential clients’ attention.

But over time, I’ve learned that the key to a successful pitch is all about understanding your client and tailoring your message to their needs. 

Personalization is one of my go-to strategies because it immediately grabs the reader’s attention. I’ll spend a few minutes checking out their LinkedIn profile, website, and social media posts before writing a specific compliment that shows I did my research. 

I also make sure to highlight my relevant experience and skills, while keeping my language clear and concise. Potential clients don’t have time to read long-winded pitches – they want to know what you can bring to the table in a quick and efficient manner.

In the end, crafting a compelling pitch takes practice and patience. But with each attempt, you’ll learn more about what works best for you and your unique style as a writer. So keep refining your approach, and staying confident in your abilities, and soon enough, you’ll be landing those dream gigs left and right.

Tailoring your pitch to the client’s needs

When I first started out as a freelance writer, I made the mistake of sending out generic pitches to potential clients. Needless to say, I didn’t get many responses. But once I started tailoring my pitches to each individual client’s needs and goals, everything changed.

I quickly realized that taking the time to research each client and their project beforehand was crucial to crafting a pitch that would stand out. By understanding their specific pain points and how I could provide value, I was able to showcase myself as the perfect fit for the job.

By showing how my unique experience and skills aligned with their specific needs, I was able to increase my response rate and land more gigs. So if you’re struggling with your pitches, take the time to tailor them to each individual client—it could make all the difference.

Submitting Writing Samples

When I first started looking for jobs as a freelance writer, I quickly learned that I needed a portfolio of my past work. But as a beginner, I didn’t have any published work to show off.

So, I decided to create writing samples by writing for the first few clients for free. It wasn’t easy, but after a few months, I had a portfolio of quality pieces to showcase my skills as a copywriter.

When it came time to submit my writing samples to potential clients, I was nervous. Would they like my work? Would they think it was good enough?

Submitting writing samples can be nerve-wracking, but don’t be afraid to create your own if you don’t have any published work yet. Showcasing your skills through original content can set you apart from other candidates and make all the difference in landing your first gig.

Networking with potential clients

Networking with potential clients has been a game-changer for my freelance writing career. At first, I was hesitant to put myself out there and reach out to people directly. But once I started attending events and connecting with individuals in my industry, I saw a significant increase in my client base.One of the best ways to network is by attending conferences or events related to your niche. Not only can you learn from industry experts, but you can also meet potential clients face-to-face. It’s important to come prepared with business cards and a short elevator pitch about your services.

Another way I’ve found success in networking is through social media platforms like Facebook Groups. I’ve been able to connect with potential clients and grow my network by joining groups related to my niche and talking to other professionals.

It’s important to remember that networking isn’t just about gaining new clients; it’s also about building relationships and establishing yourself as a trusted expert in your field. Don’t be afraid to offer value and advice to those you connect with, even if they aren’t immediate prospects.

Overall, networking has been crucial in helping me grow my freelance writing career. By putting myself out there and making connections, I’ve not only gained new clients but also built lasting relationships within my industry.

Best practices for successful freelance writers

As a freelance writer, I’ve learned that there are some best practices that can help you do well in this field. One of the most important things is to establish clear communication with clients. This means setting expectations upfront regarding deadlines, payments, and project details.

Another key practice is to be proactive in your work. Don’t wait for clients to give you assignments—pitch ideas and show your enthusiasm for taking on new projects. Also, make sure you put organization and time management skills at the top of your list so you can meet deadlines and deliver quality work.

Lastly, keep improving your writing skills by reading a lot, practicing often, and getting feedback from mentors or colleagues.

By following these best practices, I’ve been able to build a successful career as a freelance writer with happy clients and plenty of work.

In the world of freelance writing, success is not just about talent but also about implementing best practices that set you apart from the competition. So, be proactive, communicate clearly, network effectively, and continuously improve your skills. And speaking of best practices, let’s dive into some time management tips that will help you stay on top of your workload!

Time management tips

As a freelance writer, time management is crucial to my success. I’ve learned that it’s important to be organized and put client-getting activities ahead of writing projects. 

One of my go-to time management tips is to create a daily to-do list. This helps me stay focused and ensures that I don’t forget any important tasks. I also make sure to schedule breaks throughout the day so that I can recharge and avoid burnout.

Another strategy that has worked well for me is setting specific work hours. By having set times for when I work, I’m able to be more efficient during those hours and avoid distractions.

It’s also important to know when to say no. As much as we want to take on every project that comes our way, it’s not always feasible. Saying no allows us to focus on the projects we have and deliver high-quality work.

In conclusion, time management is essential for anyone in the freelance writing industry. By creating a daily task list, scheduling breaks, setting specific work hours, and knowing when to say no, we can stay on top of our workload while avoiding burnout.


How do I find freelance writing jobs?

Finding jobs as a freelance writer takes work and research, but if you do it right, it can be a rewarding and profitable career. One of the most common ways to find freelance writing jobs is to look for them on online job boards and freelance marketplaces such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. 

You can make a profile, show off your writing portfolio, and apply for writing jobs that match your skills and interests on these sites.

Another way to find freelance writing jobs is to reach out to potential clients directly. This could involve cold emailing, networking on social media platforms like LinkedIn, attending local events or conferences, or even pitching story ideas to publications that interest you. It’s important to have a good portfolio of writing samples and a professional website that shows off your work. This will help you stand out to potential clients and show off your skills as a writer.

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of referrals and word-of-mouth. If you have a few satisfied clients, ask them to refer you to others in their network who may be in need of a freelance writer. This can be a great way to build your reputation and expand your client base.

How do I avoid scams when looking for freelance writing jobs?

Unfortunately, there are many scams and fraudulent job postings out there that prey on freelance writers, so it’s important to stay vigilant when searching for writing jobs. One common scam involves job postings that ask for a fee in exchange for access to writing jobs or training materials. Legitimate employers do not require payment from job applicants.

Another thing to watch out for is job postings that offer unrealistic pay rates or promise large amounts of work with very little effort. While it’s important to value your work and set a fair rate for your services, be wary of job postings that seem too good to be true.

To avoid scams, research potential clients and job postings carefully before applying. Check the legitimacy of a company or job posting by looking for reviews or ratings.

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About Jesse

About Jesse

Hi, I’m Jesse Forrest! As an 18-year freelance writing veteran, I’ve worked with clients in over 153 industries, covering almost every topic imaginable. Passionate about helping others break into freelance writing, I’ve trained over 35,000 people, including teams at Chanel, Disney, and Sony. For the past 6 years, I’ve traveled the world with my trusty laptop, currently residing in Thailand. To kickstart your freelance writing career, download my free guide:

“How to Become a Freelance Writer: A 6-Step Guide for Beginners."

Whenever you’re ready, there are two ways I can help you:

Copy Academy is my members-only community where you can network with other copywriters, ask questions, share your work, and get valuable feedback. Get immediate access to copywriting courses, writing templates, and a supportive community.

Freelance Writer Blueprint is an online course for anyone who wants to become a freelance writer and make a great living working a few hours a day from anywhere in the world.

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