Hi, this is Jesse from StartCopywriting.com and in this post I’m going to be sharing 3 questions (almost) every copywriting client asks copywriters.
I want you to be prepared. Even if right now you’re not actively hunting for copywriting clients. It’s better to be prepared because you don’t want to be the person who introduces yourself to potential clients as “a copywriter” but can’t answer these 3 important questions that copywriting clients typically ask.
You look inexperienced when you fumble with your answers and they might not take you seriously.
Over the last 10 years, working as a freelance copywriter, I’ve been asked these questions probably hundreds of times. Now I want to share this knowledge with you so you’ll be prepared.
That’s really going to put them at ease and then you can move forward in the conversation.
However, if you’re a beginner copywriter, it’s better to start working in industries that you have experience in already. Maybe in a past career or a job where you were an employee in that particular industry.
You can leverage your contacts, experience and Insider knowledge in order to write copy for an industry you already know and understand.
That’s one way that you can leapfrog over the competition by using past experience to start working with copywriting clients.
Let’s take this scenario.
Let’s say you’re at a party and someone asks you what you do for a living. Your answer would naturally be “I’m a copywriter” and they would say “Great! We’re looking for a copywriter at my work. How much do you charge?”
But how can you seriously answer that question?
It really depends, doesn’t it? Even if there were specifics saying they wanted website copy. But then you would have to consider on:
Whenever you’re quoting and whenever you’re answering this type of question “How long will it take you to write this copy?”, try to estimate in your head how many hours it would take you to accomplish the work. You might want to factor in the research time that’s going to take you to:
Question #1: Do You Have Any Experience In Writing For My Industry?
How do you answer that? And how do you answer if you don’t have any experience? Well, first of all, always be honest. If you lie then they might eventually find out and that’s not going to be good for you. How to answer the question: “I actually haven’t worked for your industry before but I am someone who’s very interested in your industry. And I read a lot about your industry and I have knowledge in your industry. I look forward to working in your industry and let me tell you, I’m prepared to do the research necessary to find out all the things I need to know to write the best copy possible.”
Question # 2: How Much Do You Charge or How Much Will This Cost Me?
This is the next logical question prospective clients often ask copywriters. The client simply wants to know what your copywriting rates are. What’s my go-to answer to the question “how much do you charge?” My answer is always, “it depends”. As it really does depend on several factors. If you’re meeting someone for the first time, then you really don’t know a lot about their needs and what the job even entails. So if you answer the “how much” question with a quote prematurely then you may be shooting yourself in the foot. Here’s why…
- How many pages?
- How many words?
- How much research will you need to do if you’re unfamiliar with the subject?
Question #3: How Long Will It Take You To Write My Copy?
Now, this is a tricky one because every job is different. Someone wanting just a short amount of copy written obviously will take a lot shorter time than someone wanting a very long sales page written. So it really depends again on how long it’s going to take you. Now, through practise and experience, you will start to gauge how long it does take you for certain types of projects.
- read through their website
- research their competitors
- research the target market
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About Jesse
Hi, I’m Jesse Forrest! As an 18-year freelance writing veteran, I’ve worked with clients in over 153 industries, covering almost every topic imaginable. Passionate about helping others break into freelance writing, I’ve trained over 35,000 people, including teams at Chanel, Disney, and Sony. For the past 6 years, I’ve traveled the world with my trusty laptop, currently residing in Thailand. To kickstart your freelance writing career, download my free guide: